A pilgrimage to Mary Magdalene is a pilgrimage of the heart. If it is calling, perhaps it is time to surrender to the inner call of your soul to take what might be the most profound journey of your life.
7th Mary Magdalene Pilgrimage, Sept. 6-13 2025, France
A Journey of Healing with the Divine Feminine
including a power week at the Domaine in Languedoc Sept 6-13, 2025
Why This Pilgrimage?
The energy of Mary Magdalene is very strong right now as she is supporting the evolution of our planet through the Divine Sophia energy to bring back the core teachings of Yeshua to assist in healing our beautiful world.
As those who strongly feel their connection to the Essene, Cathar and Magdalene energy, we gather in the south of France to explore the sacred sites and embody the energy available to us at this pivotal point in our history.
We travel to Sainte Maximin de la Baume, Sainte Maries de la Mer, Montsegur, Vezelay, Chartres and many more of the sacred sites in France to anchor and hold the space for our own lives to be enriched by the wisdom available in these sacred sites and to help heal our collective wounds as a planet.
We will allow the magic of these ancient sites to permeate our souls and connect deeply to the Magdalene energy and the divine feminine, incorporating ceremony to deepen the process whenever possible.
The trip is designed to facilitate a deep inner journey with circles and discussion as well a connection to sister/brother hood made powerful by the intimacy of a shared spiritual experience.